A View to the Future

An ambitious three-year project on Divis and Black Mountain, to hold the needs of nature and people in balance, in this this significant landscape on the outskirts of Belfast.

We have been appointed to carry out developmental evaluation of the project. We are working closely with National Trust staff managing and contributing to A View to the Future in various ways, from welcoming and helping visitors to planning and implementing the restoration of mountain peatlands.

Developmental evaluation is suited to complex, multi-dimensional interventions with at least some unpredictable outcomes. We come alongside the team to support a continuous process of reflection on their work, enabling all of us to identify what is emerging and appropriately balance the needs of people and nature on the mountains. Through analysis and reflection on both qualitative and quantitative data, focusing on process as well as outcomes, we collectively come to an understanding of what is happening and how to respond.

The project has been made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund


Belfast Stories
